Dear Friend of Liberty,
As Barack Obama continues to push his massive Government Healthcare Rationing Scheme on the American public, it’s never been more important that we stand up and fight.
Politicians in Washington and the talking heads on TV all agree that something must be done to “fix” healthcare, but they merely echo the Administration’s position that only government solutions can address this problem government caused in the first place.
Almost no one is talking about an actual free market answer to reducing costs and restoring healthcare decisions to where they belong -- between patients and doctors.
No one, that is, except Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty.
Instead of creating a massive, tangled web of bureaucracy to address obstacles arising from government overregulation, we demand that Congress actually allow the free market to work.
In that spirit, Campaign for Liberty supports healthcare reform that:
• Gives Americans control over their health care by giving them control over their health care dollar via tax credits and deductions similar to those outlined in Congressman Ron Paul's Comprehensive Health Care Reform Act (HR 1495).It is vital that freedom-loving individuals tell their Representatives and Senators that they oppose this Big Government Healthcare power grab and support a free market solution. We must voice our opposition to tax hikes, government mandates, and redistributive taxpayer-funded “public” options.
• Protects privacy rights by allowing patients and physicians to opt-out of any government-mandated or funded system of electronic health care records, and repeals the federal law creating an "unique patient identifier" by adopting the policies contained in Congressman Ron Paul's Protect Patients and Physicians Privacy Act (HR 2630).
• Empowers doctors by softening antitrust law restrictions on health care professionals when they negotiate with insurers and medical providers. Our current system gives drug companies and corporate interests all the power.
In fact, just yesterday Campaign for Liberty delivered 18,992 petitions to Capitol Hill to send just that message.
And I hope you’ll join the fight too, by clicking here to sign Campaign for Liberty’s petition to Congress in opposition to this Government Healthcare Takeover and Rationing Scheme. And to really turn up the pressure, I also hope you will call your Representative and Senators through the congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to voice your dissent.
So-called “experts” in the media say that Congress won’t act on socialized medicine until after August recess, but if we learned anything from the stimulus debacle, it’s that the big government ideologues in Congress are willing to force their radical agenda through while we are all sleeping -- and they’ll do it in a single night.
That’s why you and I have no time to waste. Please contact your Representative and Senators to demand a sensible free market solution to the healthcare crisis, and oppose any reform that:
• Raises taxes on any American.It is vital we let Congress know, right now, that we won’t stand for this government healthcare rationing scheme. Please click here to sign the petition and call your Representative and Senators at (202) 224-3121.
• Forces Americans to purchase a government-approved health insurance plan, imposes fines or tax increases on individuals for failure to purchase health insurance, or conditions the receipt of any government benefit on the purchase or maintenance of health insurance. Instead, Congress should protect Americans from mandatory health insurance by adopting policies like those contained in Congressman Ron Paul's Coercion is Not Health Care Act (HR 2629).
• Establishes a government-run or taxpayer-financed health insurance system. Creation of a "public health insurance option" is a first step toward the complete nationalization of health care. Government-managed and financed health care will inevitability result in lower standards, waiting lines, and rationed care.
In Liberty,
John F. Tate
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